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degree of sintering中文是什么意思

用"degree of sintering"造句"degree of sintering"怎么读"degree of sintering" in a sentence


  • 烧结程度


  • Quantitative evaluation of the alignment degree of sintered ndfeb permanent magnets
  • Sintering speed increased greatly with the help of great quantity of heat of the molten iron , the great quantity of heat sent out from the carbonizing reaction and a little quantity of liquid , this sintering type is an instantaneous sintering , the sintering compacting can carry completely in a few minutes , the degree of sintering compacting is very high . ( 6 ) the vc - fe surface composite has high rigidity , it ' s rigidity exceeds 60hrc , under condition of dry sliding friction and overloading
    铸造烧结时,过热铁水的巨大热流密度冲击、粉料压坯中的碳化反应的放热以及压坯中少量液相的产生使压坯的烧结速度大大提高,此时属瞬间液相烧结,在十几分钟内烧结过程即可完成,可达到很高的致密化程度。 ( 6 )铸态下vc一fe表面复合材料具有很高的硬度,其铸态硬度) 60hrc 。
用"degree of sintering"造句  


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